Day 88 Just to much x)

Here is what I've done in the second half of October. Well, this might look like I was productive, but i don't really feel that way somehow. If you take into account, that the semester is now finally over, I can be content with this much but not really happy. However, Things over here are just going according to plan. With my first real crit received and so many good things happening in my life. I just really feel amazing. As you can see I'm trying a lot of stuff and i really want to expand my knowledge, and I know where i have to get better. - Everywhere - I discovered that my short-term-memory for details really is my strength, but the creation of new designs, vehicles, poses and such is really bad. I have to train my constructive side a lot more. Perspective for one, or Basic forms. When I use them they feel to forced, they should come out without thinking about them to much, rather than that they should just feel like a means to express desi...