Day 259

Hey there. Its been a few days again. I've got Vacation now, and i'm trying to get as much done as possible. So, I've finally started to work on my Diploma and this feels like a huge mountain of Work to climb, even with 541 Days to go. I have figured out a lot of stuff lately, concerning my philosophies. Having this wonderful isolation again where almost nobody disturbs me is sometimes heavy and yet you get to a deeper level with yourself. My diploma has a big part Sci-fi in it. Too bad that Sci-fi involves stuff i don'T usually do to often... like environments and other stuff that requires a lot of perspective knowledge. The past two weeks I've been fighting with Spaceships, and well the digital line-art still kinda sucks, (probably because I'm to impatient with it) but I've managed to find an approach i'm very happy with. I use alchemy for inspiration, loosely paint over that in PS and establish my perspective on that sketch,...