417 a productive week

Hi guys! I'm quite productive as of late... this is as always a little less than half of the stuff i've done this week... wow.. its true, i swear! :D I figured out a problem that i was having... It took a bit long for me to get it but i guess I understand it now. I didn't want to work on some asignments, and because of that i didn't draw and paint quit as much. Seeking distractions from those tasks i want to avoid... Last week i stood up early one day and because of my right foot situation, i couldn't go to design school. So i was up, and didn't want to go back to sleep. So i made a study, trying to use the lasso tool evectively, which you can find below. After that i went on to one of those tasks and painted 6 hours on it, with a few short breaks in between. The point being, that after the little work, done in the morning, i've had a lot more energy to work on every little other task at hand. I worked from 9am to like 10pm and felt like i got shit done that...