Why I'm here ...
The goal of young artists like me, is to get better in their art and to be apreaciated not only by family, but by evryone seeing your work. We want to learn as much as possible, as fast as possible. Sometimes I find myself painting, spending a lot of time and passion drawing and painting and yet the outcome cant reach my own expactations.
If you are looking for professional artists on the internet you probably get a wrong idea of them, they did not start out as good as they are now.
We artist are sometimes ashamed of our past deeds, so a process of development is rarely displayed. Its only natural.
These men and women practised years to reach their level of skill. In this longterm process, we dedicate the major amount of our freetime to develop these skills. Talent? Is needed for sure, BUT it is also a greate deal of visual taste and practice, thus 10% Talent and 90% hard work. PMP(practice makes perfect)
I'm Michael and I chose this path. I want to be a great concept artist. I created this Blog to motivate myself to produce great art and to increase my skills.
I have worked on variouse pieces the past few days. Well i will post only one, because the others are eather not ready, or a disgrace.
Well here it is, 'We crush you!' a concept of an Ogre of WC3 ... i decided to upload it although its not yet finished completely. 3hrs
The goal of young artists like me, is to get better in their art and to be apreaciated not only by family, but by evryone seeing your work. We want to learn as much as possible, as fast as possible. Sometimes I find myself painting, spending a lot of time and passion drawing and painting and yet the outcome cant reach my own expactations.
If you are looking for professional artists on the internet you probably get a wrong idea of them, they did not start out as good as they are now.
We artist are sometimes ashamed of our past deeds, so a process of development is rarely displayed. Its only natural.
These men and women practised years to reach their level of skill. In this longterm process, we dedicate the major amount of our freetime to develop these skills. Talent? Is needed for sure, BUT it is also a greate deal of visual taste and practice, thus 10% Talent and 90% hard work. PMP(practice makes perfect)
I'm Michael and I chose this path. I want to be a great concept artist. I created this Blog to motivate myself to produce great art and to increase my skills.
I have worked on variouse pieces the past few days. Well i will post only one, because the others are eather not ready, or a disgrace.

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