Hi there. This is Mitch or Michael Loos aka Loomic. I study Communication-Design near Cologne Germany. I aim for a career in the entertainment design industry as an Illustrator,Animator and Concept-artist. In a distant future I want to produce great content like Films and Games, but first I want to work and get into the industry. Roughly eight month ago, I started the Crimson daggers Deathline challenge. My goals were essentially the following: To paint 48 paintings, to do sports and get super healthy and fit and to go on writing a chapter of my book each month. But in may last year i got RSI, because of my reckless wish to get better at any cost. It got to the point where anything I held caused sharp pain in my wrist and thumb joints. The Doc put my right arm, form Hand to elbow, in cast and when he removed it, two weeks later, he said there was nothing I could do to improve my condition other than to take breaks and that this condition would never turn back t...
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