Day 21"The other Sirene" progress and rant
Hey :) Here the process of the painting. first the sketch, then basic mood, then slowly indicating light and shade, and then just back and forth adding details and setting the lights. Now, why did I think I have made a major breakthrough? Well that is because, I let go of my doubts. I mean I know I'm still not as good as I could be but it is definitively getting there. Last Friday I was at gamescom. It was amazing, a lot of fun and i got so many new impressions. It is so good to see the aftermath of what you will be creating some day and especially to meet the audience. Well I started the day pretty early at 7am to go there and I left at 7.30pm. After I came back I could barely move from the howl walking but I was so enthusiastic that I sat down and started sketching, right after I made some black tea and drank two cups. The energy I suddenly had was a miracle to me, I just wanted to paint and it all worked. I was never before that ...
Ach ich wollte hier doch nochwas zu schreiben, ganz vergessen^^
AntwortenLöschenDas Kapuzenfräulein sieht ja echt vielversprechend aus!
Die Farben variieren irgendwie ziemlich, liegt wohl an der Qualität der Fotos... Welches kommt dem Original denn näher, links oder rechts?
Das linke eher. Obwohl immernoch sehr gelbstichig ist. Ist halt schwierig mit dem Malmittel, am besten ist halt Sonnenlicht. Vielleicht mal ich an der morgen was weiter, aber eher nicht. Erstmal was sacken lassen. Will lieber nochn stilleben machen. Muss dir dann aber wohl nen Keilramen klauen :P.
AntwortenLöschenJa gut, das linke find ich von den Farben auch viel besser. Wirkt auch so schön matt. Ja mach du mal^^
AntwortenLöschenNice work :)